Clear out!

Saturday 16 April 2011


Hope you all had a nice weekend. I have been in Berlin to visit my friend Yannick and see the Kills. Awesome!

 Once landed in Berlin, Yannick came to pick me up at the airport, a chaotic bus travel than twice changing u-bahn, where I had to refresh my make up like a jet setter.  I think people in Berlin are not used to see someone putting on make up in the tube, in London that’s quite common ;)

Finally arrived in front of Huxley Neue Welt, where of course the security man , first asked me : Do you want to move in with the Kills ? , ehm yes please !  and then wanted to check my mini dot suitcase. Found all my food and took it away. Not a very good idea, to open up a suitcase stuck full of clothes, you can be sure it will take 5 minutes to close it again. Damn! We missed out the first 5 minutes to see Alison and Jamie on stage. The played a few songs from the new album Blood Pressure but played as well a lot from Midnight Boom. It was a nice gig even though they played only 50 minutes and started very early for a party city like Berlin. The concert was finished at 22.30, bit disappointing. Nothing better to do than bring the mini but very inconvenient suitcase home and chill. Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures and video, the camera was giving me a hard time. 

Day 2 Berlin

We waked up late, headed to St Oberholz Café (U-Bahn Station: Rosentaler Platz) to get some coffee and muffins. From there we started our shopping tour around the streets of the Häckischen Höfe. I have to say in the morning I was a well-behaved shopper, I only bought a make up bag. I saw some nice young Berlin designer labels and we popped into Lala Berlin. The clothes and accessories are marvellous but unachievable.  We went back to Yannick’s place for a quick rest and take our coats; it was freezing in Berlin compared to Luxembourg. Obviously I only had summer dresses and shorts in my suitcase. Are you such a bad packer like me? I always pick the wrong clothes to take with me while traveling.

On the second part of the shopping tour after lunch at Café Fleury (Rosentaler Platz), a French bistrot with lovely interior decoration and good food, I found them, the shoes I have been looking for since months. To be honest I found 2 pairs which I loved and decided to get both as the were on 50% sales and real leather. Really made my day!

Yannick made me discover some nice concepts stores like Appartment (Memhartstr. 8), a very strange place, no name on the shop door, the upper space is all white like a gallery and completely empty, when you go downstairs all is black and full off clothes it is one of the insider shopping places of Berlin. The second concept store was wood wood  in Rochstraße ,where they sell uslu airlines nail polish. In the evening we went over to yannicks’ friends flat to have dinner, self made pizza. Yummy !  They did go clubbing to Backyard, but I had to go back and get some sleep due to stupid sickness.

Day 3 Berlin

The sun finally came out a bit, but still not as warm as planned, we had coffee to go at Rosentaler Platz and walked over Kastanienallee to Mauerpark, the most well known flea market in Berlin. Its is the place to be on Sundays. It is a real show-off about being seen and seeing who is still awake from Berlin's nightlife. Next time I will bring a suitcase full of clothes to sell and make some money. We watched a bit of Karaoke.
From there we decided to drive to CO museum to watch the exhibition of Robert Mappelthorpe. I liked it, especially his portraits. „I never liked photography. Not for the sake of photography. I like the object.“
Robert Mapplethorpe
You can see the full resume about the exhibition here .

We had  access to the exhibition Shoot! Photography existential. Quite funny to see the photographic timeline from a lady who has been pictured over 90 years in the same pose at the local fairy. Always shooting on the camera and being photographed. The interesting part was looking at the change of her fashion style . 

After museum we hang out in a bar next to the spree and did some sun bathing. Then it was already time to go back to the airport. The journey was not peaceful at all, far too much people on the plane and plane delayed. I found in duty free shop the Lancôme travel package and the Hypnose mascara I told you about. Both were on sales, lucky me! I cannot wait to take them on my future travels. Sometime  soon. hopefully. But for now back to work.

I taught about creating a Vide dressing on the blog, to sell my stuff. What do you think ?

Have a lovely day!
Xx Nadine

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